If you are finding unexpected results using the new retouch tools, take a moment to review the new updated User Guides for guidance on how the new tools work.
You can find the new updated User Guide here.
(See page 104)
Also the new 'Sneak Peek' videos are a great overview for how to use the new tools.
You can find these videos on our YouTube Channel here.
Unexpected Results can occur if multiple retouch tools are used over the same sampled area:
For example, if you were to use the Healing Brush with the Move option, then attempted to use the Clone tool from where the Healing Brush was used, or the clone tool to try and clean up your 'healing move' you would get unexpected results.
Healing Brush first used to sample and move building:
Clone Stamp tool used after Healing Brush, sampling over 'Moved' area
produces unexpected results.
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