The Extras Manager
You will be able to import your own files through the ON1 Extras Manager for easy access. This is useful if you have shot or purchased your own texture or backgrounds. The process for importing your own files through the Extras Manager is exactly the same on both Mac and PC.
1. Launch the program. Go to File > Manage Extras:
2. This will bring up the Extras Manager:
3. The Extras Manager is where you can import your own files into the program. Please note, when you click on a Category, it will tell you where these files you install will be accessible. For example, clicking on the "Borders" Category will tell you that files installed in this category will be accessible inside the Layers and Effects module:
Please note: Not all files you import into a particular Category are accessible in both Layers and Effects. For Example, Files you import into the "Backgrounds" Category are only accessible in the Layers module while Borders and Textures will be accessible inside both Layers and Effects.
4. Click on the "Import" button to import your files. A finder window will appear. Simply navigate to the files you want to import into the "Borders" Category and click Open. The following dialog box will appear:
This window asks you to choose a category to import the files to. In this drop down menu you will see all of the Categories that already exist within the selection. If you would like to import more files into an existing category, simply choose the category you want. If you want these files in their own category, simply choose the "Add Category" option.
5. Now you will need to name your Category and click "Ok":
6. When you are back in the Extras Manager, you will see the new category you created. For this example you can see the "Extras Manager Test" category under "Borders" along with a few other categories that have already been created:
7. You are now finished installing the files and can access them inside your application. Click Close.
How to access the files you have installed from the Layers Module:
1. Open an image in the Layers module. Within the mini browser on the left, click on "Extras".
Within the "Extras" you will see two folders as shown in the screenshot above. All files that you have installed through the Extras Manager will appear in the "My Extras Folder". Open this folder.
2. The "My Extras" folder is where you will be able to access any borders, texture or background files that you have imported through the Extras Manager. In the "My Extras Folder" you will see the folders shown below. For this example we will want to open the "Borders" Folder to access the borders we just installed:
3. Inside the "Borders" Folder you will see all of the categories that you have created and installed through the Extras manager. Notice, we have access to the "Extras Manager Test" Folder that we just created.
4. Open this folder and select a file that you want to use. Double click on the file. In the dialog box that appears, check the box "Add as a Layer". This will add the file as its own layer to your existing document. Here is how this dialog looks in the Photo 10:
Here is how this dialog box appears in the Photo RAW:
Please make sure you click "Add as a Layer" to add this file as a new layer to your existing document. After clicking "Add as a Layer" you will see this layer in your layer stack on the right.
How to access borders or texture you have installed through the Extras Manager from inside the Effects module:
If you have installed borders or texture files through the Extras Manager in either the "Borders" or "Textures" category of the Extras Manager shown in the screenshot below, you will be able to access these inside Effects. We will go over how to access these files from inside the Effects module in both the Photo 10 and Photo RAW shown in the screenshots below:
1. Open an image in the Effects module. Click the "Add Filter" button on the right side of the program and click the "Texturizer" or "Borders" Filter. Here is how this appears in the Photo 10.5 Effects module:
Here is how this appears in the Effects module of the Photo RAW:
2. For this example, we have selected the "Borders" Filter. In the filter options pane for the Borders filter, you will see a "Category" drop down menu. Here is how this appears in the Photo 10:
Here is how this appears in the Photo RAW:
Here is an example if you selected the "Texturizer" filter if you are trying to locate a texture you have installed through the Extras Manager inside Effects:
Here is how this appears in Photo RAW:
3. Click to Expand the Category drop down menu shown in the screenshot above. This will display all of the categories for the Borders filter. You will see all of the Categories you have created in the Extras Manager at the bottom if this list when you expand the category. In the screenshot below you can see the "Extras Manager test" category we created in the previous steps above:
Here is how this appears in the Photo RAW for textures (please note, textures in your "My Extras" will appear at the bottom of the list under "My Textures"):
If you are trying to locate Textures you have installed through the Extras Manager, simply expand the Category drop-down Menu within the Filter options pane for the Texturizer Filter. You will find the textures you have installed at the bottom of this drop-down menu the same as shown in the above screenshot.
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